Spiritual Life Development – A Spiritual Readjustment

A spiritual reader and advisor can be extremely helpful in guiding your spiritual development, and more importantly in being a strong ally in your spiritual journey. This type of relationship often occurs between two people who are not acquainted with each other in an informal setting, and is an intimate connection based on shared experiences and respect for one another.

Spiritual Life Development - A Spiritual Readjustment

Spiritual Life Development - A Spiritual Readjustment info graphicSpiritual Life Development – A Spiritual Readjustment

Spiritual Life Development – A Spiritual Readjustment


Some of the many areas where the relationship between a spiritual mentor and student may take place include counselling, classes, retreats, and retreats alone. Spiritual Life Development – A Spiritual ReadjustmentIt can also occur in a group setting. Sometimes the relationship may involve meeting to discuss one’s current problems, or the future. Other times, the relationship may involve mentoring the student.


 Your Spiritual Readers and Advisor Should Be Your Best Guide or Counsellor:


Sometimes the mentor will be a person whom the student trusts and loves, but may not be familiar with who is actually providing the spiritual guidance. The spiritual advisor and reader can serve as a bridge between the student and a known teacher, and may be some form of guidance counsellor or personal guide.


If you are considering seeking spiritual guidance, it is best to seek advice from others that you trust. Seek the advice of a spiritual counsellor who is experienced with assisting individuals and families to understand the spiritual nature of their life.


Perhaps the best advice is to seek out someone that you respect, but also someone that you may know personally. Ask around and see if there are others who have become students of this type of relationship. This person may be able to provide additional insight and answers to your questions.


The Thing You Should Remember Before Searching For A Spiritual Mentor


When you are searching for a spiritual mentor or a spiritual reader and advisor, seek someone who is not so concerned about your ego. Although it may help for the mentor to understand your motivation for seeking guidance, this does not mean that they should share your personal life with you. Seek mentors who have an open mind and are willing to ask questions when you give them a chance.


 What Is The Best Way To Find A Spiritual Reader and Advisor


The best way to find a spiritual reader and advisor is to participate in your own spiritual development by asking questions and participating in courses and retreats that are held throughout the world. There are some great spiritual groups that meet in person and online. The Internet is becoming an increasingly popular way to connect with others in today’s world.


Reading and studying materials is also an excellent way to begin your spiritual journey. It is a good idea to read up on the teachings of an outstanding spiritual leader before you begin a formal relationship with him or her. Just as there are different spiritual paths, there are different spiritual teachers and spiritual mentors. You should take the time to determine which path is right for you and your personality.