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I am 'Psychic Geis' are here to help you, with my psychic gift and my innate ability, increased over time since the age of eighteen so far as I am fifty years old, to understand if there is a way to regain your loved one or your loved one, to understand if there is a way to regain a new balance in your marriage, in your cohabitation and to understand how your work situation, economic or can be in the future, or even to examine how yours will be luck in your life path.
What are my experiences in the world of paranormal?
During my journey I had the opportunity to travel both in Italy and abroad and so I had the chance to meet different people with the same psychic gift as me. I met powerful people Shamans, Medium, Seers, Spirituals with whom I deepened my knowledge in the world of perception, clairvoyance, clairvoyance and obviously in reading tarot cards.
There are places in the world where particular energies that flow within us are moving, it is like an endless journey that lasts a moment and on this journey you can see the reality of other places or know what will happen in the future on our planet. The clairvoyance or spiritual journey of the soul is very different from a knowledge of reading tarot cards or Oracles; gives the ability to see beyond as clearly as possible.
The years that have passed have given me the opportunity to study, as well as learn about psychics, the Tarot or related oracles to help others also myself in evaluating and understanding if your life can change and evolve for the better, your relationship couple, work and your future.I'm Medium; The Medium is a person with particular paranormal and psychic powers that the faculty to put in contact the world of spirits and that of men.
* I place myself between:
1) The "Auditory" Medium The members of this category differ from the others in that they hear the voice of the entities. It can be perceived in two different ways from the medium. Sometimes as an inner voice as if it came from the inside of the ear, other times it is clear and distinct as the voice of a living.
2) The "Seer" Mediums The mediums belonging to this category can see the entities during the waking state. For this reason, they retain an exact memory.
3) The "Da Presentimenti" Medium This dowry can be in the more or less developed medium; it starts from a simple sensation up to glimpse part of future events, positive or negative.
4) Psychometrics (remote view): the ability to see events connected with things and places. I have been working as a Fortuneteller and Sensitive for more than twenty years and I have had my successes and I hope to have more to be happy to be able to help others overcome the difficulties of life. Call me for any problem, by phone or by chat, we are always there to help you.I wait for you every day; to help you with my psychic gift and my innate ability, to find your lost serenity. 'Psychic Geis'I have been working as a Sensitive for more than twenty years and I have had my successes and I hope to have some more to be happy to be able to help others overcome the difficulties of life. I wait you to lead you towards your serenity, pure Energy inside.
I have the experience of about 25 years in this field and my experience and wisdom along with my intuitive skills help me get clarity which perhaps you might need. I do not provide legal, psychological medical business, or financial advice. I do not predict pregnancies or the sex of a child. I make every effort provide helpful information to guide you, but cannot guarantee the results of a particular outcome implied. Life is a flow of connected interactions and the information provided is meant to be enlightened guidance, not an absolute direction. Everyone has plus or minus intuitive ability. Sometimes rough time in life needs us to have assurance and patience. My reading and help will help you in reaching decisions, clarifying goals and making life changes. I create true positive changes in your life. Can heal you Love, Relationships & Family Cheating/Wandering Hearts. Finding love/Soulmates.
Other Gifts
I use my Psychic gift for my divination and I read also my taot cards as Twenty-two Major Arcana and other tarot deck or Oracles.